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Make the most of your wireless Internet: Thanks, Whole Home Wi-Fi!

Unlike a traditional standalone wireless router that projects a single Wi-Fi signal from one unit, a whole home Wi-Fi network, uses a series of nodes or 'Internet cubes' strategically placed throughout your home to create a strong, unified Wi-Fi network with multiple signal sources throughout your home.

Full Wi-Fi coverage

Units in the network communicate with one other acting like having a series of routers in your home, eliminating poor coverage spots where the signal once had limited reach.

Seamlessly connect

Whole Home Wi-Fi acts as a single network transmitting the same signal instead of multiple networks which allows for seamless connectivity.

Manage your network with ease

Whole Home Wi-Fi systems are entirely automated and are easy to manage in a user-friendly smartphone app. This makes the network remotely accessible making it ideal for smart-home enthusiasts.

Young couple on a video call

“Dead Zones” Are a Thing of the Past

A stand-alone Wi-Fi router can only transmit and receive signals from a single point. Physical barriers in your home like concrete walls and floors can limit the Wi-Fi reach and signal strength. A Whole Home Wi-Fi system creates a single Wi-Fi network by placing cubes throughout your home, expanding the Wi-Fi reach. The cubes work together to virtually eliminate dead zones, ensuring a strong Wi-Fi signal in all the areas where you need it.

Couple sitting on the sofa looking at their tablet

Want to Automate Your Home?

A Whole Home Wi-Fi network is essential for creating a streamlined smart home and it is easy to manage remotely with a smartphone. With the right system controller, a Whole Home Wi-Fi solution allows all your smart electronics and appliances to communicate on a single network offering improved reliability as the units direct the strongest signal to your device based on its location in the home. Internet cubes can be added to customize and scale up your Internet needs by the pool, in the garage, or wherever needed.

The Best Connection to Suit Your Space


Scale up your network by adding additional cubes.


Parental controls include web page blocking and time management. Automatic firmware updates.

Smart-home friendly

Our Whole Home Wi-Fi solution accommodates and streamlines Internet-managed smart devices.

24/7 technical support

Access 24/7/365 to our highly trained technical support team.


Minimizes Wi-Fi dead zones with strategic cube locations.

Easy to manage

Whole Home Wi-Fi smartphone app makes it easy to manage your network remotely.


Internet units manage network systems by routing path changes to create the strongest connection possible.

Call today to add Whole Home Wi-Fi by Xplore to your plan at 1-877-504-0309.